With this tool you can play "What If" with different partnership scenarios. Such as changing the number of partners or how much is put down on the aircraft. We think you will find this useful.
Cost of Aircraft
Interest Rate
Amount down
(This is the amount you and your partners will put down)
Years to amortize
(If built before 1976 8-10 year amort, after 15 year)
Annual maintenance
(A guess probably around 1500.00 to 3000.00 per year or 2% to 4% of the value of the proposed aircraft)
Tbo of engine
(Manufacturers recommended Time Before Overhaul)
Time on engine
(Enginetime is generally accepted to be determined
by the tach time)
Cost of rebuild
(You can go a lot of ways here, new, rebuilt)
Insurance Rate
(This is anywhere from 1.5% to 5% depending on you and the plane.)
Tie down/hangar fee per month.
Gallon per hour
(Proposed airplane burn per hour)
Price per gallon
(Find out what your local field is charging)
Price of Oil
Quarts per hour
Flying hours/month
Number of Partners
Bank payment/month
Cost of Insur./month
Rebuild Fund/hour
Cost of flying/hour
(Even with a computer this is a guess. Consider it a ballpark.)