Our Purpose
This site is intended as an initial meeting place for pilots who want to meet other pilots for the purpose of co-ownership of an aircraft. The power of having a presence on the web is much more powerful than an ad in the paper. It allows not only present owners to sell shares of their aircraft but non owners to band together and purchase a new or used airplane with their combined purchase power.

Why a Partnership?
The cost of flying is high and getting higher all the time. Our purpose and the intent of this site is to fly for less money. It is common knowledge the best way to do that for many people is aircraft partnerships. Renting is fine but you don't have the freedom that an owner does. Freedom is one aspect that draws many to flying. By being an owner you have the freedom of keeping an aircraft over night or on an extended trip. When you are in a partnership all this is possible with a little foresight and planning.

Share your Experience
We would like to hear from pilots about their partnership experiences. We would like pilots to voice their concerns over being in a partnership.

How we promote our site
Our services are advertised on many aviation web sites, all major (and some minor) airshows and fly-ins. We also advertise in major flying magazines and newspapers across the country. If you are serious about finding flying partners, you've come to the right place.

Cost of membership
The cost will be set at $20.00 per year. This allows you to post a message to our database and update it for one year. As well as look at our database of available flying solutions.

For a limited time while this database is building Charter Members, registration is FREE.

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It is up to each potential partner to scrutinize the advisability of joining in any partnership. Be careful of who you join up with and have your attorney go over the partnership agreement.